Colizza Bruni Architects / Architecture Design / Built Projects / Ottawa, ON / 2019
24hr Daycare
The existing City View Centre Daycare on 1099 Longfield’s drive is a single story building with a red brick façade and a dark pitched roof, fitting with the suburbs of Barrhaven. It operates during the day for the families and kids in the neighborhood. The client, City View Centre, wanted to provide a space within the facility for kids that require a 24hr care service. This presented challenges and formal approvals within the ministry as well as the committee of adjustment. The final constructed design is an addition to the south of the existing daycare, along Deercroft Avenue that maintains the surrounding urban fabric of the neighborhood while presenting a new and sleek addition complementing the existing daycare. A combination of dark windows and wood siding with a light colour brick results in an addition that stands out while commending the existing structure.
Designing a safe and pleasant space for infants, toddlers and children
that feels like home away from home.
The existing wall section connection to the new wall section was a challenge the design team resolved through collaborative and innovative design work amongst consultants.
design process

Completed with Project Architects Colizza Bruni Architects
Principal Architect: James Colizza
Project architectural design team: Safaa Alnabelseya
Photography: courtesy of Colizza Bruni Architects
Contactors: Rojo Construction
Mech/Elec Engineers: Goodkey Weedmark & Associates
Interior design: Parallel 45
Civil Engineer: Doug Gray
Structural Engineer: Jason Vriend