Cooking is an act of care.
It is a love language and a gesture of generosity and hospitality. When we cook, we utilize the world around us and simultaneously contribute to its creation. By consuming, we absorb the essence of the world, infusing our bodies with nourishment and vitality. It is a harmony that underscores the interconnectedness of humanity, sustenance, and the energy of the sun. Together, they form a dynamic system of exchange—an ecological dance of giving, receiving, and sharing.
At the Sofra, or dining table, we break social barriers and unite. Beyond the tangible setting which we dine, the Sofra encapsulates intangible acts of making, gathering, and sharing. Reaching for plates, drinking from a glass and breaking bread; at the Sofra, we share appetites, gestures, and stories. The acts repeat, similarities increase, and what was once a table becomes a space of teaching, learning and intimate connection.
The Sofra is life itself. Welcome to my Sofra.

Food preparation and styling: Safaa Alnabelseya
Photography: Safaa Alnabelseya